I have this over whelming Sadness that hits me sometimes. It takes me over and makes me do things I regret or makes me avoid the things in life worth doing. This reoccurring sadness has been with me for a very long time. It knows me. It knows my weaknesses and knows my most vulnerable times; those times when it knows it can pounce. This Sadness is so crafty and so sly that it has convinced me that its presence is completely okay. That it is my friend, my buddy, my comrade. That even though it makes my life that much harder, it is a natural part of it.
Well, Sadness, this is for you.
You have affected my life in so many ways, all of them negative. When you show up and take me over, I can't control my thoughts, my emotions, and what ideas pops into my head next.
Sadness, when you come over you make my self esteem plummet to the deepest depths. You make me feel unnecessary, unworthy, and unacceptable. When you stop by for a visit, I waste away my precious time and waste away my precious soul. These many years we have been companions, you have almost succeeded in my internal destruction.
But,sadly Sadness, I must inform you that our entangled relationship must end.
I know that change is hard, but it is a necessary part of life. It is true that when other things change around me, you have always been there for me to safely land on. But i know and feel that it is time you and I part ways; you continue down your path of loathing and constant tears, and I will find my way into a place of eternal happiness and glory.
Don't worry to much, Sadness. You and I will see each other every now and then, but our every meeting will be supervised by someone who loves me and who will be there to remind me of the eternal happiness that comes from living a life as far from constant Sadness as possible.
I hope that you will , well, lose your job. I hoping that one day I will replace you with far better friends like remorse, Those friends who make me feel the way that you do, without tearing my insides apart.
I want you to know Sadness that even though I have been very cordial with this letter, I will want no further contact with you. The last time I will see you is now. We are officially not together anymore.
Goodbye, Sadness; and may you never effect my life again.