Monday, February 27, 2012

Alone I Cried - by Mark R Slaughter

'Alone! ' I cried again.
'Alone I am with me!
Lonely in a world of mist
Alone, I reach to touch your wrist
And see if I am thee.'

To be alone beside a soul
Afloat, adrift; an empty ghoul
Alone in woe; the yearning flesh
To fill a thin, contorted mesh
Diffuse atop an icy floor, alone.

So much alone in fact, I lack
The tonal vibrancy of life:

I am a song without a tune
A greying sky in June

The blueness of a sullen moon
- waning in a starless night-

Coasting down a weedy pass
The only image in the glass

To meet a certain heavy fate
- to turn and shut the knurly gate-


Thursday, February 16, 2012


It is hard to have hope when you lack confidence.

 Hope is a friend to those who think that it is even a possibility. For me, hope is all I give myself. I don't allow confidence, I never have.

 But hope...

 Hope will always be my one way ticket to somewhere other than what I consider my reality; that reality I create for myself. I hope ( :) ) that one day I will have confidence in my hopes, and they will become my reality.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


“Whether or not you believe in God, you must believe this: when we as a species abandon our trust in a power greater than us, we abandon our sense of accountability. Faiths … all faiths … are admonitions that there is something we cannot understand, something to which we are accountable. With faith we are accountable to each other, to ourselves, and to a higher truth. Religion is flawed, but only because man is flawed. The church consists of a brotherhood of imperfect, simple souls wanting only to be a voice of compassion in a world spinning out of control.”
Dan Brown, Angels and Demons

“Science and religion are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand.”
Dan Brown, Angels and Demons

Monday, February 13, 2012


You go right ahead and get married in your Las Vegas chapel or at the nearest courthouse. As for me, I'm getting married in a castle to a son of a king.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

You Can't Run When You Are Holding Suitcases

My Goal is that by the summer I will be ready in body and mind to run in a marathon. Perferably a short one.

This has always been a dream of mine and I'm hoping that it becomes a part of my life forever.

I LoVe to run. It is so stress releasing and energy filling. It makes my days instantly better.

One Problem. I just don't do it.

I am either to lazy, or to busy.

so it is time to change. yup. it is.

here is some inspiration for not only myself, but for everyone! :D

Friday, February 10, 2012


A little creepy.
True art.


starts out sad. she loses her memory and he has to win her back. It's hard, they get through it. Ends with an open ended happily ever after.


I am glad I watched this movie before valentines day, so that I could get all of the lovey dovey out of my system.

For the beautiful v-day, I plan on wallowing in my self realization and continuing my day as usual: school, work, homework. Then if there is anytime left to use my brain and think about what I am missing, I will fill the empty space with mindless television, food, and sleep.

then the day will be over and everyone will move on.

yes. It is a most ingenious plan.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

"No Money, we arn't friends."

I've decided to get married to someone who either
  • knows how do deal with money, investments, and other money related things, with perfect finesse,
  • knows someone very well who does all of that stuff,
  • or someone who is very rich and none of that money stuff really matters.

Why, you may ask?

Well, in my personal finance class, I am currently learning how to become financially independent. This means to live without debt or within one's means.

This does sound pretty wonderful, but it is much work and worry! taxes, bills, mortgage, credit, stocks, bonds, interest rates. It is a never ending cycle of money and numbers: two of my least favorite things.

  Have someone else do it for me! This innovative concept is why I am going to either marry someone who can handle it all for me or , if i don't get married [  :'(  ],  pay someone!

Sure, I'll try to help as best I can, but money and its fellow demons are the only reasons I am going to postpone growing up forever.

 OR until I get married.

OR OR until I give up my humble pride to the pull of the financial hand, pulling me down to financial H E double hockey sticks.

OR OR OR I really really have to do it myself.

OR OR OR OR money and I become friends. But then again, if this happened, I could buy my way out of adulthood. Isn't that what most rich people do?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Goal of today: be happy at work.


yeah, so my job is mediocre and never changing. and I'm pretty sure the top lady hates me. So what?

 I'm lucky to have a job at all. let alone one that pays me more than minimum wage. Plus I basically

 have 4 hours to just think and listen, but Instead of doing it in bed or on a couch, I'm continuously

 moving. yeah, my job basically ROCKS. the end.

The Me I Want To Be

LAST POST= Depressing.

THIS POST= Much less depressing than the last. Much.

I have so many unfulfilled goals and ambitions.

I have made a decision. I am going to try and make little daily changes that will help make me the person that I want to be. In order for this to work, I 'm going to write it all on here! : D

I am going to keep track of what changes I made and see if this plan actually helps me to be better!

Starting today, I am no longer going to have negative thoughts of myself and of others. I am going to be positive and make sure to be as kind as possible.

I shall report later and share how I did! yay!

here is a song to make life better for all! ENJOY!