- knows how do deal with money, investments, and other money related things, with perfect finesse,
- knows someone very well who does all of that stuff,
- or someone who is very rich and none of that money stuff really matters.
Why, you may ask?
Well, in my personal finance class, I am currently learning how to become financially independent. This means to live without debt or within one's means.
This does sound pretty wonderful, but it is so...so...so much work and worry! taxes, bills, mortgage, credit, stocks, bonds, interest rates. It is a never ending cycle of money and numbers: two of my least favorite things.
Have someone else do it for me! This innovative concept is why I am going to either marry someone who can handle it all for me or , if i don't get married [ :'( ], pay someone!
Sure, I'll try to help as best I can, but money and its fellow demons are the only reasons I am going to postpone growing up forever.
OR until I get married.
OR OR until I give up my humble pride to the pull of the financial hand, pulling me down to financial H E double hockey sticks.
OR OR OR I really really have to do it myself.
OR OR OR OR money and I become friends. But then again, if this happened, I could buy my way out of adulthood. Isn't that what most rich people do?
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